How to Get Your Spanish NIE Number

If you want to live in Spain as a foreigner, you need the NIE number. NIE is short for número de identidad de extranjero and it is basically the tax identification number for foreigners.

The NIE number is essential for a lot of basic things. You need it to:

  • Rent an apartment
  • Open a bank account
  • Sign up for an internet connection
  • Apply for jobs
  • Buy a car
  • Apply for public services
  • And a whole lot more

Even if you don’t intend to work in Spain, you still need the number. Therefore it also applies for students and retirees.

If you are an EU citizen, there is no official rush to get the NIE number, although it makes a lot of things easier. So get it as soon as you can. For non-EU citizens, you must obtain the number within your first three months of living in Spain.

Getting the NIE number

Fortunately, it is not difficult to get the number. But it can take a few months, and you might have to go to several different meetings.

You book your meeting for the NIE number online. Go to this website and book your appointment. The website is in Spanish when you open it, but you can easily change it to English and several other languages. You absolutely have to fill in the right city. You also have to give personal information, such as your passport number, phone number, name and email address. After your appointment is booked, you will receive an email address for confirmation. Keep the email, because it will show the time and address where you have to go for your appointment. The normal waiting is 3-4 weeks.

EU citizens: You have to fill in the EX-18 document. It is the residency application and it will automatically give you a NIE number once it’s approved. Find it here, print it and bring two copies to the meeting.

Non-EU citizens: Same procedure, but fill the EX-15 document instead of the EX-18.

Everyone also have to fill the Tasa 790_012 form. Find it here. You fill it online and print it after it’s been digitally filled. Then you go to a bank and pay it. It’s 12 euros. The bankwill put a stamp on it. Bring the papers to your meeting.

What you need

In the fourth part of your application, you have to explain why you are coming to Spain. These are the four most common categories:

  • You will start working in Spain and already have a valid work contract
  • You will study in Spain
  • You have a family member in Spain who can provide for you (this person as to come to the meeting too)
  • You simply want to live in Spain and have the resources to take care of yourself

If you don’t have proper documentation, they will reject your application. Then you have to wait 3-4 weeks and come back for a new interview.

To prevent this:

  • Bring your work contract if you’re working
  • Bring documentation of being a student if you’re studying + private health insurance
  • Bring proof of financial capabilities + private health insurance if you don’t have a work contract or proof of studying

Private health insurance can be found at Sanitas for 64 euros per month. You commit to one year. The insurance can be booked online with your passport number as identification.

Proof of being able to support yourself: Print a bank statement that shows at least 6000 euros on your account. (You don’t have to pay it – only prove that you have money to take care of yourself.)

Aside from the documentation that you can support yourself, you need to bring some basics to your meeting:

  • Passport
  • EU health insurance card (for EU citizens)
  • All the forms previously mentioned
  • Originals + copies of all documents and cards

You are allowed to bring a lawyer or a translater to the meeting. You can also bring a friend or a family member.

After you get the NIE number

Enjoy. It’s over and you got it. No more meetings!

It’s quite easy to get your NIE number if you do everything right. Ifsomething goes wrong, don’t worry about it: Book a new appointment and try again. Usually they will give you a reasoning if they reject your application, and you can fix whatever is wrong in time for the next meeting.

Feel free to post if you have questions!


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